
‘Healthy human movement  exploration through the disciplines of Pilates, Exercise Physiology and Remedial Massage.’

This blog is a space where I like to explore, learn and ‘do good’. I hope to be able to share my thoughts in a way that is accessible for all those with an interest in health and movement. Thanks for reading,  Warwick…

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Work the core, reduce stress…

Posted on July 7, 2017 by Movement Health in , ,
male and female doing Pilates sit up, could this help to reduce stress?

As someone who walks the line of multiple movement based disciplines I often find the evidence driven Exercise Physiology part of my professional make-up trying to unpack what is happening with some of the Pilates exercises. At times Pilates exercises may not seem all that functional and there can be limited levels of progressive overload. …read more

Whole body health

Posted on June 15, 2017 by Movement Health in , ,
after exercising two men and a woman sit on the kerb recovering and socialising a good display of whole body health

In my own experience the common perception of what an Accredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP) does is prepare exercise programming. This is certainly a big part of an AEP’s skill set; however a common response of mine is, “An AEP can prepare the best, most clinically appropriate exercise program, but does it get done”. In situations …read more

Movement and falls prevention

Posted on February 10, 2017 by Movement Health in
A practitioners hands whilst doing Taichi

With age the likelihood of a fall occurring increases, it also becomes more likely that a fall will result in a serious injury. As Australia’s population is ageing, there is likely to be an increase in the occurrence of falls and fall related injuries. Falls are the most common cause of injury in older people …read more

Helping people and doing good…

Posted on January 11, 2017 by Movement Health in ,
Ladies shoulders doing pike on Pilates chair

Late last year I participated in a respectful online professional debate, it’s not something I regularly do, however the topic was one I’m very passionate about. I was engaged with multiple online ‘adversaries’ who seemed very fixed in their position; as I was the only counter-point to the discussion I felt somewhat vulnerable, I also …read more

Do the work and watch your health improve…

Posted on December 6, 2016 by Movement Health in ,
Male and female doing Pilates exercise, Control Balance

I was reading a news article recently about some emerging science regarding the role inflammation plays in compromising the body’s immune system and how this may affect a person’s experience of depression. Whilst the overlap between the nervous system and immune system is not a new concept in some areas of healthcare, these ideas seem …read more

Movement Health and pulling straps

Posted on November 7, 2016 by Movement Health in ,
Lady doing, Pulling straps on Pilates reformer

As an Exercise Physiologist I’m required to stay up-to-date with the appropriate scientific literature and use this to apply best practice treatment for clients. A piece of literature I find myself using a lot when working with shoulders (and particularly the shoulder blades) was undertaken by Cools et al. (2007). The goal of this study …read more

What is Pilates?

Posted on October 10, 2016 by Movement Health in ,
Joseph Pilates outside in nature with exercise mat

What is Pilates? A popular belief I encounter fairly regularly regarding this question seems to be; ‘Pilates is that stretchy, core thing’. In an Exercise Physiology/Physical Therapy/Rehab setting Pilates based exercises are often used as an exercise treatment for back injuries. I feel there’s a bit more to Pilates so here goes: Pilates was a …read more

Welcome – My Movement philosphy

Posted on September 22, 2016 by Movement Health in
Two clients doing Pilates leg springs in class on the tower

Here goes, first Blog post, so thought I would talk about my professional influences and how they drive my movement philosophy. This philosophy is a product of the movement disciplines, Remedial Massage, Pilates and Exercise Physiology. REMEDIAL MASSAGE: My introduction to the world of movement, where I first looked at an Anatomy and Physiology text, …read more

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