Pilates standing footwork – a good exercise for skiers
Posted on September 9, 2017 by Movement Health in Just saying.., Pilates

Squats, lunges etc can be the standard exercises used to prepare the lower body for skiing. The Pilates exercise standing footwork from the 2×4 series is a twist on the squat movement and is closely related to footwork on the reformer. Pilates standing footwork is a whole-body exercise that strengthens the feet, ankles, knees and hips, with added balance and postural challenges.
Start: Feet hip width apart, arms out in front, tall and strong in posture.
One: Rise on to toes and hold.
Two: Bend knees and balance, holding tall in posture.
Three: Slowly push heels towards the floor.
Four: Pull stomach in to stand tall.
Start: Feet hip width apart, arms out in front, tall and strong in posture.
One: Bend knees and hold.
Two: Roll heels up and balance, holding tall in posture.
Three: Rise up, standing tall on toes.
Four: Return heels to floor.
8-12 in each direction done daily will help to get your lower body ready for the mountains.
*Disclaimer, this is a discussion and does not represent an exercise prescription, for exercise or injury advice seek an appropriately trained health professional.