Helping people and doing good…

Posted on January 11, 2017 by Movement Health in ,
Ladies shoulders doing pike on Pilates chair

Late last year I participated in a respectful online professional debate, it’s not something I regularly do, however the topic was one I’m very passionate about. I was engaged with multiple online ‘adversaries’ who seemed very fixed in their position; as I was the only counter-point to the discussion I felt somewhat vulnerable, I also …read more

Do the work and watch your health improve…

Posted on December 6, 2016 by Movement Health in ,
Male and female doing Pilates exercise, Control Balance

I was reading a news article recently about some emerging science regarding the role inflammation plays in compromising the body’s immune system and how this may affect a person’s experience of depression. Whilst the overlap between the nervous system and immune system is not a new concept in some areas of healthcare, these ideas seem …read more

Movement Health and pulling straps

Posted on November 7, 2016 by Movement Health in ,
Lady doing, Pulling straps on Pilates reformer

As an Exercise Physiologist I’m required to stay up-to-date with the appropriate scientific literature and use this to apply best practice treatment for clients. A piece of literature I find myself using a lot when working with shoulders (and particularly the shoulder blades) was undertaken by Cools et al. (2007). The goal of this study …read more

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